Wolf River Rafting
Big Smokey Falls, Keshena, WI

As I’m always on the hunt for something new to photograph or create video with my drone, I headed northwest to the Wolf River north of Shawano, WI along Hwy 55. And to my delight, I found picturesque Big Smokey Falls along Hwy 55 and the whitewater rafting operations along the river during the summer months. Flying my drone, I was able to capture video of rafters going down the rapids over Big Smokey Falls. Great summer fun! Many thanks to Big Smokey Falls Rafting, Shotgun Eddy Rafting, and Herb’s Rafts for providing this drone pilot with a new opportunity to create fun video for everyone. Enjoy the Ride! #travelwisconsin #wolfriver #menomineecounty #whitewaterrafting #rafting #bigsmokeyfalls #shotguneddy #herbsrafts